Tuesday, March 6, 2012

要我这么忘掉这美丽的爱情? ♥

Excuse me, I'm very emotional today. Looking through our pictures with all sorts of memories. Remember when we first met, we hated each other. You said that my voice are fake. I said that you're a bloody monkey. End up being together. Lol, then broke up 5 days later. & the date was, 271008. We patch back when I'm back from Thailand & it was on 281208. We broke up 2 months 2 days later. Coincidentally, i saw you at Vivo city when I was with my friends. Both of us was damn shocked. Then I push you into the water! Lol! You wet yourself! Haha! I met up with Priscilla. We went pub. Then I went to tua. & I saw you. I was like wth? Why is he here? It was so awkward! The day day, I went to jdee with Priscilla. & when I went back to Toa payoh, you asked me for patch. Surprisingly of course. I agreed. As I've never forget you. And that was on 090810. Memorable one. You were so nice to me. I really treasure our time together. However, one day you came outside my house and look for me. We plan to go town on that day. You were waiting outside my house. When i have finish preparing, I open my window & I saw two man standing behind you. Asking if you were Akys. Then they handcuff you. I don't even know what's going on? I was ready to go out already! & you just went with him. I felt helpless. I didn't know what to do. I stunt for about 3 mins & I went down. I saw you getting into the police car. That night, when I saw the newspaper. Then I know what exactly happen. I was real sad/depressed. You came out from remonth. I didn't know as I'm in Thailand. I was on Facebook, you were in a relationship with her. I was like wtf? Did we even ended? I tear like hell. Even my mum was shock when we saw. She asked me what happen. I told her. You called me, we quarreled. I cried, shouted, scream. I hate you, I told you. You told me you still love me. You miss me a lot. I miss you more. I went back to Singapore. We met up. You've already broke up with your ex. We got back together. I've decided to end our relationship on 28 nov 2011 I guess? You've really neglected me. 💔 That's the reason for our break up. We quarreled outside Mbk that night. & yea, we had ended this 1year plus relationship. You went in on 30thNovember. I went to your court. I sat behind you. We didn't talk. You were sentence.😥 I did not cry. I've to control no matter what. I kept on telling myself to give up. but I just can't. Why? Sigh. Glenda told me you wrote letter to me. You still love me. I asked myself, is that really possible? I thought if I were to go Thailand✈, I won't miss you. I won't even think of you. I was wrong. So wrong. I still miss you, like as if you were still mine. I really have the urge to visit you. But I'm afraid, I'll tear, I can't give up. I don't want to give up on our relationship. But you should know what's the reason behind it. I love you, as alwaysz you're not forgotten. I told mysel to get rid of you, forget you. I can't, I really can't. I find myself so useless. I miss you everyday. I want you to be my last. But it seems impossible now. I love you. AdamKohYS. My dearest boy. 😘 ♥

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